We went to Hoosier Park last night with our good friends Frank and Sherry Payne. The evening brought back so many memories.
I was one of the first females to obtain a Thoroughbred trainer's license in Indiana. I'm sure I wasn't THE first but I was ONE OF THE FIRST. We started going to the track at the very beginning when it was just a place to run your horses and get a quick bit to eat - Pizza Hut Personal Pan Pizzas, Hot Dogs, Nachos, Chicken Tenders - those are a few of my old favs. The main event was definitely the horse racing.
Today that is just a side note. They offer a nice buffet every day of the week but on Friday and Saturday nights they offer one that boasts seafood and prime rib... all you can eat of any of the fare that is offered for a rather reasonable price. Most times there is a long line to endure before tasting the bounty, but it is worth the wait. On Sunday, for brunch, they include many of the seafood items as well. They want you to go to the Casino full and content.
In the days gone by I remember hanging out on the apron in front of the Club House. I wanted to be up close and personal to the horses coming over to the paddock to be saddled. I had a number of friends that would be racing on any given night - if we weren't racing our selves - and I wanted to root them on. It's a tough game and knowing that your peers are there for you is a pretty awesome feeling, at least it was for me. There was NO WAY you would catch me sitting at a table in the Club House..... NO WAY.
If we had a horse running I would spend the entire time - up until race time - on the Backside, and be more than happy to do exactly that. There is something special about the Backside of a racetrack. That is where it all comes together. Of all the places on a racetrack where a person can spend time, the Backside is definitely my favorite. I love the way it smells, I love the way it sounds, and I love the way it looks. Call me crazy...... but that is God's Honest Truth.
Now Hoosier Park just runs Standardbred races and they don't even use the paddock. I am not allowed entry on the Backside because I don't have a current license. Times change..... and I guess I will just have to be content watching the races from the Club House and eating the scrumptious food. I'd still rather be on the Backside smelling all the smells that go with racing - liniments, straw, hay, sweat, shampoo, and yes.... even the horse pooh. Yeah, call me crazy.... such sweet memories..... I think I will go to the barn.
A 5-Day Devotional Just For You!
4 weeks ago