As I said, it was HOT! One of the things I enjoy doing is feeding the birds. I know that God will take care of them, but it can't hurt to have a little help from people like me - especially in adverse weather. While I was enjoying all their fluttering and chattering I started thinking about leaf misters that Ive seen people use to cool their outside areas. I decided to make one of my own for my bird buddies. Our nozzle has a mist option and I simply draped it over one of the tree limbs, turned it on, and sat back to see what would happen.
They LOVED it! I had some sparrows and blackbirds visit, but the Robins thought it was the bees knees.......(I think that's how you say it - if not you know what I mean..... they liked it a lot). I believe at least one of the birds in the top picture is a young bird. It kept wanting to be fed. All the birds got down in the wet grass and wiggled and fluffed and wigged some more. It was so entertaining for me that I decided to see what the horses would think of it.
Everyone that knows me knows that I am a animal loving, horse-crazy gal. I hope that I live all of God's words to the fullest but the words that pertain to animals are particularly dear to me. Today I am thinking Proverbs 12:10. "The godly care for their animals, but the wicked are always cruel" NLT. Oh how I want to be godly and for there not to be a cruel or hurtful bone in my body! Enjoy watching my girls cool off in my homemade mister.
I have heard it said that we will have jobs when we go to Heaven. I have also heard the theory that we are in "basic training" here on earth for what our Heavenly Job is going to be. That thought brings me great joy and comfort for I believe I will be helping to take care of God's Animals! Yay!