We had a nest of baby bunnies in our yard this year. Its the first time I can remember having rabbits for a long time. We normally have lots of cats in the barn and while they are good at keeping the mice population down, they are also hard on rabbits.
Not sure if you know how Momma Rabbit makes her nest but it is usually a hole dug in the grass out in the open. She pulls out some of her fur and covers the hole with grass clippings mixed with her fur. Needless to say, one isn't suppose to know it exists and my husband, John, didn't have a clue when he was mowing. Luckily the wheels straddled the nest and the only harm that was done was disrupting the fur and grass. It warmed my heart when he came to the house and told me that he needed my help. We were quick to get things back to what we thought looked like good cover for the babies and hoped (and prayed) that Momma Rabbit wouldn't be put off by the smell of humans.

Our kindness paid off and Momma Rabbit stayed around to keep her babies fed. She munched on the little white clover that is plentiful in our yard and I am positive it made her milk rich and wholesome. I kept an eye on the babies each day and when I saw a set of ears sticking straight up out of the nest I figured it wouldn't be long before they bunny-hopped away. Sure wish I had gotten a picture of that but at least it is safely secure in my memory.